• 자주 묻는 질문(FAQ)
  • Annual fee
    Q. (NAME 00000) I deposited a space.
    RE. It is classified as deposit return processing. You have to request a return at 1:1 inquiry. It will take at least 2 weeks after all the documents are completed. All deposits are recognized up to 7 digits, so please make a deposit without space. (Example)NAME0000 Normal / NAME 0000 is wrong way
    Q. I missed four digits when I sent the annual fee.
    RE. It is classified as deposit return processing. You have to request a return at 1:1 inquiry. It will take at least 2 weeks after all the documents are completed.
    Q. About Transaction
    We can start trading from December 19th, 2020.
    Q. What should I do if I don't have my Korean name?
    RE. The English name is long, so you can't put in four digits. Example: ABCDEF1234 > > 5 digits plus 4 digits in English.
    Q. When we can start trading?
    We can start trading from December 19th, 2020.